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1. Deposit
1.1 If a Hong Kong Dollar deposit matures on a non-Business Day, the deposit shall be payable on the next Business Day and interest shall be paid up to but excluding that day.
1.2 If a foreign currency deposit matures on a day on which banks in either the country of the relevant foreign currency or in Hong Kong are not generally open for business, the deposit shall be payable on the next succeeding day on which all such banks are generally open for business and interest shall be paid up to but excluding that day.
2. Interest
2.1 Interest is calculated up to but excluding the maturity date. Interest is only payable on the maturity date. Details of accrued interest and the amount of tax (if any) deducted will be advised each time when the interest is paid.
2.2 Interest on time deposits is fixed for the entire deposit period. Interest on call deposits will be simple interest accruing from day to day at the call rate specified by the Bank on a daily basis.
2.3 Interest is calculated on a 365 or 366 day year basis where the deposit is denominated in Hong Kong Dollars and on a 360 day year basis (in both ordinary and leap years) where the deposit is denominated in other currencies, or on such other day year basis as may be determined by the Bank from time to time.
3. Maturity of deposits
3.1 At the request of the Account Holder, the Bank may at its discretion repay a deposit before maturity on such terms as the Bank may prescribe.
3.2 If no maturity instruction is received from the Account Holder before maturity, the Bank will hold the relevant deposit at maturity at the Account Holder's disposal pending the Account Holder's instructions. Interests from maturity until instructions are received may be paid at such rate as the Bank may specify.
3.3 Where instructions for automatic renewals for deposits are given, the interest rate applicable to the relevant type of deposit prevailing on the maturity date will be the rate for the renewal.
4. Early or partial withdrawal
Withdrawal or partial withdrawal of a call deposit is subject to prior notice (of such period as from time to time specified by the Bank) from the Account Holder to the Bank. A fixed deposit may not be withdrawn prior to maturity. Any withdrawal or partial withdrawal of a fixed deposit prior to maturity or withdrawal or partial withdrawal of a call deposit without sufficient prior notice shall only be permitted at the discretion of the Bank in which case the Bank may levy a charge and/or forfeit the interest accrued on the deposit in whole or in part.
5. Charges
The Bank may charge a commission on the face amount of foreign currency notes, cheques, drafts, payment orders or other monetary instruments deposited into a foreign currency account.
附件一 定期賬戶、通知存款賬戶的附加條款
1. 存款
1.1 如果港元存款到期之日非營業日, 該存款應於下一營業日支付, 而利息應計至該日 (但不包括該日)。
1.2 如果外幣存款到期之日非香港或此等貨幣發行國之銀行通常辦公的營業日, 則該存款應於所有此等銀行通常辦公的下一營業日支付, 而利息應計至該日 (但不包括該日)。
2. 利息
2.1 利息應計至但不包括到期日。利息僅於到期日方應付。累計利息的詳情及扣除之稅金(如有)將於每一次支付利息時作出通知。
2.2 定期存款之利息是就整個存款期而定。通知存款的利息, 按賬戶日餘額和銀行不時規定的利率按日計算單利。
2.3 若存款為港元, 利息按每年365天或366天計算。若存款為其他貨幣, 則按每年360天 (含一般年份及閏年) 或銀行不時決定的此等其他天數計算。
3. 存款到期
3.1 應賬戶持有人請求, 銀行可酌情決定按銀行規定的條件在到期前償還存款。
3.2 若到期前未收到賬戶持有人的到期指示, 則銀行在賬戶持有人到期指示之前將持有到期之相關存款, 以待賬戶持有人處置。到期至到期指示時其間收到之利息按銀行規定的此等利率支付。
3.3 若作出存款自動展期之指示, 則相關類型存款到期日適用之利率應為展期利率。
4. 提前提款或部分提款
賬戶持有人提取或部分提取通知存款, 須提前通知銀行 (所需的提前通知時間由銀行不時規定)。定期存款不可在到期之前提取。提前提取或部分提取未到期的定期存款或未經足夠提前通知提取或部分提取通知存款, 須經銀行酌情批准, 而且銀行可收取手續費和/或沒收全部或部分存款的應計利息。
5. 收費